måndag 30 maj 2016

Puppies are expected in july

Now both Bielkersmils Jatka of Birk , Bielkersmils Coronation of Allsvinn and Bielkersmils of Etna Pepper parade. 
Jatka is expected to give birth to their pups around 1/7-16 and the puppies will then be ready for delivery about 26/8-16 .   
Corona is expected to give birth to her puppies around the 11/7-16 and the puppies will then be ready for delivery about 5/9-16 .    
Etna is expected to give birth to their pups around the 28/7 and the puppies will then be ready for delivery about 22/9 . 

If you are interested in buying a puppy you find more information under the tab puppy info. 

You are welcome to contact us via email : bielkersmils@gmail.com or telephone 0700405267

Bielkersmils Great Geist of Barusi father of Jatkas´puppies


Bielkersmils Ergo of Pepper father of Coronas´puppies


Svartisens Ivan Av Tundra father of Etnas´puppies

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