onsdag 25 juni 2014

Grazing pregnant females

Now both Corall and Corona are round about their waists. As they were on the lawn today they were very busy grazing.
Corona has begun to dig and is trying to find a place to give birth ( she is due on the 6/7) and Corall is watching curiously (she is due a week later).

Corona was grazing

and grazing

Corall is also getting round about her waist

and she too was busy grazing and grazing.

söndag 22 juni 2014

Congrats to I-litter!

A late Congrats to all dogs from I-litter who celebrated their first birthday on the 20:th of june!

lördag 14 juni 2014

Walking with Arija

Yesterday, Arija and Iwent for walk. Arija had the new bag but didn't seem to be bothered at all.  We enjoyed the beautiful early summer scenery, the colors, the smells and the balmy breeze.

torsdag 12 juni 2014

Lazy days

Corona is getting round about the stomach and prefers to take it slow in the dog yard. She and Corall who are both pregnant are doing just fine and enjoying taking it easy and basking in the sun.

All dogs like to wander through the  exercise yard, dig and play as the sun begins to set and the temperature drops. Here are some pictures from the exercise yard. There were seventeen dogs in the exercise yard at the same time but to manage to get them all in the same image was impossible.

Ergo 140606

Etna 140606

Nallo 140606

Sarek 140606

söndag 1 juni 2014

A-litter 7 years

Big Congrats to Arija, Aijas, Teusa, Wilma and Aisa who are celebrating their seventh birthday today!

Hip hip Hourra Hourra Hourra Hourra!!!!