fredag 29 juni 2012

Gaxe moves

Today Bielkersmils Great Gaxe of Barusi, aka Nansen, moved to Mari in Norway. We wish Mari good luck with her new family member and we are sure Nansen will like it at his new home and surely he will enjoy touring in the Norwegian mountains.

We noticed that it was a liiitle bit too early to start training to be a sledge dog- he didn't want to run, but he was ever so sweet

torsdag 28 juni 2012

The first puppy has moved

Today Bielkersmils Great Gorm of Barusi moved to his new family, Lindh in Örebro. We wish them good luck with their new family member and we believe that Gramse, that's what he will be called, will enjoy himself in his new home.

onsdag 27 juni 2012

Puppies 8 weeks old are now given their names

Now the puppies are already eight weeks old and today they were examined by the vet and given their names.

Winred male - Bielkersmils Great Gorm of Barusi

Gorm 8 weeks old

Gorm 8 weeks

Blue male - Bielkersmils Great Merlin of Barusi

Merlin 8 weeks old

Merlin 8 weeks old

Cerise male - Bielkersmils Great Gaxe of Barusi

Gaxe 8 weeks old

Gaxe 8 weeks

Female - Bielkersmils Great Famous of  Barusi

Yellow male- Bielkersmils Great Geist of Barusi 8 weeks

Black male - Bielkersmils Great Garm of Barusi

Garm 8 weeks

fredag 22 juni 2012

New photos of Famous

At last, vacation. Now I hope the weather will be fine so I can update often with new photos of the puppies. Here are some new photos of Famous who are going to move to Schweiz

onsdag 6 juni 2012

Growing puppies

Wow, time flies. The puppies are already five and a half week old and nowadays they spend their daytime in a dogyard together with Arija and Nallo and during night they sleep in their puppy box in our kitchen. 
There are still male puppies available.

Blue male

Cerise male

Yellow male

Female Famous who is going to move to Beat and RoseMarie in Schweiz

Black male

Winered male