onsdag 27 juni 2012

Puppies 8 weeks old are now given their names

Now the puppies are already eight weeks old and today they were examined by the vet and given their names.

Winred male - Bielkersmils Great Gorm of Barusi

Gorm 8 weeks old

Gorm 8 weeks

Blue male - Bielkersmils Great Merlin of Barusi

Merlin 8 weeks old

Merlin 8 weeks old

Cerise male - Bielkersmils Great Gaxe of Barusi

Gaxe 8 weeks old

Gaxe 8 weeks

Female - Bielkersmils Great Famous of  Barusi

Yellow male- Bielkersmils Great Geist of Barusi 8 weeks

Black male - Bielkersmils Great Garm of Barusi

Garm 8 weeks

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