lördag 7 maj 2016

Polardog show in Ånnaboda 160505

Last Thursday I was at a show in Ånnaboda with Sälka (Bivvilis Eminha of My Bluf now 11,5years old), Nallo (Kannibalnes'Karloff of Illusion who turned 12 on the the fifth-May) and Etna (Etna Bielkersmils of Pepper). 

Lars and Lotta with Bielkersmils Irja of Zouroff (aka Indra) and Bielkersmils Ice of Zouroff (aka Ice) and Nadia with Bielkersmils Moneypenny of Nallo aka Penny were also at the show. 

The sun shone from a clear blue sky and a chilly wind made the temperature comfortable for the dogs. Both Sälka and Nallo was overjoyed to come along for the "adventure" and Etna was as always happy, jumpy and affectionate. 

Sälka placed as best veteran of the opposite sex BOS critique: Nice model, typical for the breed head .Compact well feathered ears. Excellent neck, shoulder. Hold the line well. Correct tail. Well muscled. Showing no age. Fine movements from the side. Nice coat structure. Salute to the owner to keep the dog in good shape. Good luck in many years! 

Nallo was second best veteran dog Excellent, HP. Nallos criticism: Powerful masculine carrying his 12 years with flying colors. Good head. uses his ears correctly. Good neck, strong topline. Excellent bone and stands well on his legs. Good drive. Energetic all over. My salute to the owner who holds him in such good condition. 

Etna was third best bitch with R-CC. Her critique: 6 years Good condition, beautiful head. Ok ears well feathered. Good neck ok shoulders. Tight nice topline. Muscled thighs. Substance full. Slightly unbalanced forwards and backwards in the movement. 

 Congratulations to Lotta and Lars who brought home Indra's third CAC, which meant that she became Swedish champion and Ice was second best male with reserve CAC. 

Penny was 4th best bitch with Excellent. 

We also showed the four younger dogs in the Breeder's gruop which we finally won. The group then became Best in Show with the following criticism: Group of three combinationer. Very typical. Beautiful heads. Good strong toplines. Lovely bone structures. Excellent tight paws. Good pasterns. Nice low hocks. Good coat structures. My salute to the breeder. May this great breeding efforts continue!

 I was particularly happy about the judge's review of our breeding program and her comments about our two veterans that both wear their age with flying colors. 

Judge was Eli-Marie Klepp from Norway. 

Many thanks to Lars, Lotta and Nadia who stayed with their dogs to the finals, so that the group could be involved and thanks for the nice company











Nr 1 Etna, nr 3 Nadia med Penny

Penny and Nadia

Nr 1 Indra, Nr 2 Ice, Nr 3 Etna and nr 4 Penny

Nr 1 Ice, Nr 2 Etna, Nr 3 Penny, Nr 4 Indra

SEUCH Bielkersmils Irja of Zouroff 


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