torsdag 31 december 2015
onsdag 2 december 2015
Swedish showchampion in Sollefteå
The second day at the show in Sollefteå was if possible even better for Bielkersmils offsprings. Bielkersmils Ejla of Pepper was third best bitch with CC and became Swedish showchampion. Bielkersmils Ice of Zouroff was second best male and BOS in working class.
tisdag 1 december 2015
Successful puppy buyers
When the days are filled with work, and evenings of dog training and care of dogs time flies and to update the site ends up not top of the priority list. Since I last wrote, some of our puppy buyers have been successful. First it was Gustaf and Madde on Polardog- show in Visseltofta . Bielkersmils offsprings showed themselves from their best side and Bielkersmils Igor of Zouroff got his first CAC and was 2nd best male and Bielkersmils Fantastic Frey of Nallo BOS, both with very good critique . Congratulations to Madde and Gustaf!
In November, Lars and Lotta went to show in Sollefteå and even here Bielkersmils offsprings were very successful. Bielkersmils Ejla of Pepper aka Lexie was second best bitch with CAC and Bielkersmils Irja of Zouroff was fifth best bitch with reserve CAC and Ice was third best working male. Congratulations to Lotta and Lars!
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Frej & Igor |
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Frej (to the right)best champion male and BOS |
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Igor best working male, 2:a best male with CAC |
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Lexie |
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Lexie |
onsdag 7 oktober 2015
Polardog show in Missmyra
Last saturday there was a dog show in Missmyra. Lars and Lotta participated with some of their dogs and Bielkersmils Irja of Zouroff aka Indra had her second CAC and was Best opposite sex.
Big Congrats to Lars and Lotta!
Bilkersmils kennel also had a breeding group which ended up as number two with good critics. Thanks a lot to our dear friends Pernilla, Lars, Lotta, Gustav and Madde who made this possible!
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Lotta & Indra |
torsdag 17 september 2015
A dog's life is in my eyes always too short and sometimes far too short .
Yesterday on the 16:th of september our beloved Spira (Svartisens Angerboda) went to sleep for good.
It is difficult to find the right words to describe the feelings of grief and loss of a dear friend.
I know it will feel easier when it has been some time but today the tears burn when I think of the fact that I will never again hear her intense, sharp and happy bark, I will never be able to look into her wise eyes , never again rejoice and be surprised of her amazing leadership qualities that made my sledge tour from Särna to Treriksröset 2011 secure and safe through both communities snowstorm and reindeer herd, never again will I be able to enjoy her loving warmth, never again ...... so much .
I hope there is a heaven for dogs and I know that if it does - she has a place in it
onsdag 9 september 2015
All puppies have moved
Now all puppies have moved to their new homes. Bielkersmils Oizo of Deimos aka Doerak moved to Ines and Alrik in Holland and Bielkersmils Orya of Deimos moved to Marica and Maurizio in Italy. We wish tthem all good luck with their new family members!
Ines, Doerak & Alrik |
tisdag 4 augusti 2015
Autumn training has started
Time flies as always when you're free, and soon the holiday is over.
We are still waiting for Etna to be in heat which she was expected to do by the end of June.
Two puppies at the kennel waiting to get their rabies syringe so they can move to their new home in Italy and Holland.
Last week began the fall training. The nights are cold so there will be late night driving. Last night it was eight degrees and we drove the 8km. Moss was in the team of nine dogs for the third time and have not yet really understood what he should do and Charlie wjho came back to the kennelsome time ago, has settled down well and does a really good job in the team.
Nice for the dogs to finally get to work - otherwise they are good at to occupy themselves with digging in the yard.
Mieto also got a training ride yesterday. Along with Arija, one of our senior leadership bitches, he pulled me on the kick bike a short turn at about 2 km. He worked really well so now only remains to train stamina, tendons, ligaments, muscles and the ability to work well in a large team. Lava has also been involved in a large team a couple of times and she needs more practice to become comfortable in the team.
Just over two weeks ago I went to a dog show in Ransäter. I showed Corona and Geist with a faint hope of CAC even though they were completely out of coat. There were no CAC, but we had to content ourselves with Excellent and ranked first in the working class. I had very good company of Madde who was also there with Frey and Igor.
söndag 12 juli 2015
Puppies moving
Now all pups but two have moved. The two who are still at the kennel will be moving to Italy and Holland, and therefor they have to stay at the kennel until the age of at least 15 weeks in order to have a proper protection against rabies. There is no more puppy available at the moment We wish all the new owners good luck with their new family members! |
Klara and her mum Anette with Orion aka Neo |
Paula and her sons Uljas and Arild with Orkan aka Frostis |
Svein and Mona with Otis aka Hjalmar |
Ane and Stian with Orina aka Lumi |
Elin with Origo aka Neo |
Eva-Lena and her daughter Sofie with Orax aka Fabian |
Tom and Annica with Olien |
onsdag 8 juli 2015
Good help on the kennel
Yesterday we had a visit from Victor and Ludvig who helped at the kennel.
They combed puppies and adult dogs and they took puppies as well as some of the adult dogs for a walk they were really good at handling dogs.
In the afternoon, when it was a little warmer, we took a walk to Acksjön where we bathed.
Sälka course, was with us because she loves to swim.
Sälka (Bivvilis Eminha of My Bluf) is normally very responsive and obedient and therefore she mostly is loose, likewise today, but when we were on our way home and passed the sheep pasture I saw her she shut her ears.
She peered anxiously for the sheep in the pasture (although she never before had been herding she helped me as I was to move the sheep between two different paddocks, last spring) and so the temptation was too great.
Despite my emphatic "NO" she slim smoothly between the electrical wires into the pasture and after only half a minute, she had herd half of them and pushed them forward to the far corner of the paddock. I called her again, but she was not ready. At full speed, she went up in the very rough pasture, over logs and stones and after only a short time she had gathered the remaining six sheep which she quickly shoved to the corner of the pasture where the other stood - now she was ready. Happy and satisfied, she came when I called her - my beloved now advanced in years (she is 10 years and 8 months old), very wise and skilled sleddog that has given us three healthy fine litters and given us so much love and joy. I sincerely hope that she will continue to be healthy and stay with us for many more years. Hopefully she will follow in her fathers steps, Bastian, who is now 14 years and "still going strong"
Ludvig on walk wit one of the pups |
Grooming |
Victor on walk with one of the pups |
Ludvig and Victor |
Both Victor and the puppy had a nice time |
måndag 6 juli 2015
Time for puppies to move
The winered male is still available Now the puppies have been given their kennel names and on thursday the first will be leaving.
It has been very hot in Jonsbyn, about 26 degrees centigrade in the shadow, last days and the dogs have mostly benn laying sleeping in the shadows. Today tough it has been raining almost all day , quite nice and weel -needed.
In the evenings after working on the dog yards we have been taking a bath in lake Acksjön. Sälka who loves to swim has come along several times and Charlie has also, but he is not keen on swiming at all.
Some days ago we had a visit from Linnéa, Håkan and Bosse (Bielkersmils Minto of Nallo) Bosse has grown to be a big handsome dog.
Below are some pics of the puppies, Bosse, dog yard building and photos of Charlie and Sälka by lake Acksjön.
Winered male is named Bielkersmils Oizo of Aijas |
Yellow male is named Bielkersmils Origo of Aijas
Red male is named Bielkersmils Orax of Aijas |
Orangeblue male is named Bielkersmils Otis of Aijas |
Orange male is named Bielkersmils Orion of Aijas |
Blue male is named Bielkersmils Orkan of Aijas |
Redblue female is named Bielkersmils Orina of Aijas |
Purple female is named Bielkersmils Orya of Aijas |
Pink female is named Bielkersmils Olien of Aijas |
Bosse (Bielkersmils Minto of Nallo) almost one year old |
Bosse has grown to be a big handsome dog
Some pics from building new dog yards
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