lördag 23 juli 2011


Some days ago we recieved some beautiful photos of Izor (Dalton D-litter), from family Elfarsson. Thanks a lot!You find some of the photos under Litterinfo, D-litter, Dalton.

torsdag 21 juli 2011

Picking berries again

Today we have been picking berries again. Deimos and Etna came along and the enjoyed themselves eating blueberries and playing.

Sunset at Acksjön

Deimos, Håkan and Etna


Håkan and Etna


onsdag 20 juli 2011

Picking blue berries

Right now Håkans sister and her family, including Teusa from A-litter, are visiting us. Yesterday we went picking blu berries. Etna and Ergo cam along and really enjoyed running loose. Ergo fell in love with Tilde, Kerstins daughter, so he was close to her all the time.


Ergo, Etna and Kerstin

Ergo, Tilde and Etna

Ergo and Etna

torsdag 14 juli 2011

Running with dogs

Today Håkan and I have ran with Etna, Delta and Deimos. Ten kilometers from our home is a  forest with lots of nice paths for running or wallking. The best thing is that there is a lake just nearby so the dogs can go into the water to cool off whenever they want to. It was very good to see that Deimos, who has been ill for along time and hasn't gone training for six months, was in such good condition. Unfortunately there is no photos of Etna since Håkan and she ran ahead all the time.

Deimos and Delta




Delta and Deimos

One takes a bath beacause it's so nice,  not to become clean

lördag 9 juli 2011

Lovely bath

This evening, a quite wonderful july evening without any mosqutios, Håkan, Etna, Sälka and I went to Acksjön for a bath. Before the bath Etna took the chance to run in the sheep pasture. In only some seconds she had gathered all sheep and they all came running towards me. Even though I was very surprised i managed to take a photo but unfortunately I didn't aim so good so the photo only contains the sheep. At least I think it shows that the sheep are in a great hurry.
Later on Håkan took Etna for a short run and I took Sälka in front of the bike and went to the lake.

The sheep came running as Etna was chasing them



Sälka and Etna




Etna felt safe as she was by Håkan


Etna and Håkan


fredag 8 juli 2011

Herding sheep

Today some of our dogs have tried to herd our sheep. Since it was their first time I believe it went quite good. Hopefully it will work even better in a bigger yard with less bushes and shorter grass.
Delta probably found the sheep a bit frightning so she pretended to be a sheep and started grazing

Who is the strongest? Ergo or the ram?
Maybe we shall play instead
Ergo really should have needed eyes in the back of his head
At last both ram, ewe and lamb were on the right side
Nallo really enjoyed himself herding the sheep. He didn't get afraid although the ewe were quite angry and tried to horn him. Unfortunately I didn't get any photo from the herding since I ran behind all the time, to be sure noone got hurt. After herding Nallo couldn't let the sheep out of sight.

måndag 4 juli 2011

Summer holidays

Now we are on summer holidays at Bielkersmils kennel. A good long rest for the dogs, without any training. During the days our dogs mostly lay sleeping in the dog yard and every now and then we take them for a long walk or Håkan goes running with one of them. Some cool evenings we take them for a short run with our ATV.

Now Sälka and Nallo have mated and we are hoping for some puppies at the end of August.

In the meadows around our house grow lots of different herbs and the butterflies seek to find nectar.