söndag 11 december 2011

Quick visit to Åre

On friday we went to Åre by car. The resaon for our visit was that we were going to recieve a diploma for having finished the white ribbon, that is; going from Grövelsjön to Treriksröset in some way without using any kind of vehicle with an engine. This year, in march and april, Håkan and I went from Särna, passing Grövelsjön and going on to Treriksröset. by dog sledge. It was a marvellous adeventure and you can read more about it and se photos if you click on "Expedition with samoyeds in Skanderna".
At the meeting in Åre we were welcomed by Annicka and Torkel Ideström who have started the white and the green ribbon (going from Grövelsjön to Treriksröset in summertime). Invited to the meeting were also Peter Askulv from Klättermusen, Kalle Grahn from Utemagasinet and Elin Engerström who has walked, biked and gone skiing and paddling really long distances. Annicka, Torkel, Peter, Kalle and Elin were the jury that was going to decide if we were going to be awarded a diploma or not. There are several rules that have to be followed so we had to show photos from the tour and tell about it.
It was a very nice meeting and it was especially nice to watch Lars and Nicklas photos and to listen to their stories about their tours. Lars hade walked the green ribbon and Nicklas the white, with dog sledge with Siberian Huskies.

Peter, Nicklas and Håkan

Lars, Torkel, Kalle, Elin, Peter, Nicklas

This lovely cake was the dessert

and we did recieve our diplomas

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