söndag 10 april 2016

Nice hike

Now we have started the summer training. Today we went for a nice hike with Sälka, Mieto, Jotka and Mocca. We stopped at a nice spot to have our dinner. We made a small fire and on that we grilled fish while the dogs rested their backs from their bags. It was a really nice hike.

lördag 9 april 2016

Beautiful spring day with nice visit 160409

Today we had a very nice visit from Sanna and Rasmus who are waiting for a puppy from Bielkersmils kennel. We went training with some of the samoyeds and then we went for a nice hike in the woods for about 5 hours. We stopped by a small pond and grilled some sausages after having tried to make a fire for quite some time. It was very hard since all wood was wet but at last we managed.