torsdag 14 augusti 2014

and more photos of the puppies

There are still some male puppies available. Send an e-mail to or call +46700405267 if you are interested

Here are some new photos of Corall and Nallos´ puppies

Pink-purple male

Red-blue male

Red-yellow male

Purple-yellow male

Orange-purple male

Winered female

Winered-pink male

Winered-yellow female

Last tuesday we made the first training tour this season. Håkan went with twelve dogs and the Troll-wagon and I went with one dog and the kickbike. Ergo and Etna was in lead, Ergo for the first time ever and he did very well. Jotka and Kalla also did very well in the big team. It was their first time as well. It was about 7 degrees centigrade and we started off with a short tour of 5 km and one stop for watering the dogs.

tisdag 5 augusti 2014

Photos of the puppies

There are still some male puppies available please call us on 0700405267 or send an e-mail to if you are interested

Here are some new photos of the puppies

Corona and Deimos´puppies 4 weeks and 4 days old

Blue male

Purple female
Orange female

Pink male

Pink-blue male

Red male

Yellow male
Some of Coronas´puppies

below Corall and Nallos´ puppies three weeks and three days old

Purple-Yellow male
Orange-purple male

Red-blue male

Red-Yellow male

Pink-purple male

Winered female

Winred-pink male
Winered-yellow female
Some of Coralls´puppies

lördag 2 augusti 2014

The puppies are growing

There are still some male puppies available. Please send an E-mail to or call us on +46700405267 if you are interested. 
The puppies are ready to deliver on the 30/8-14 at earliest.

There is a lot of activity in the whelping box and the puppies are beginning to be interested of the big world outside the box. Some of them have already made some short visits on the floor.

Coronas yellow male

Coronas Orange female

Coronas blue male

Some f Corall and Nallos puppies

International show in Ransäter 26/7

Last saturday I went to show in Ransätyer with Etna and Geist. Geist has been busy sniffing and checking out the feamales in heat so he has not eaten very well and he was  also completely out of coat so I was quite satisfied with the Excellent and a third place in working class.

Etna to was awarded Excellent with CC, She won the working class and was third best female with CAC.

I also entered a bredders group containing: Frej, Etna, Hero and Geist. The critics were very good and the group also entered the finals.

I was very happy that two of our puppy buyers also participated.

Lars and Lotta with Hero and Lexie. Hero was awarded Excellentand was number two in working class and Lexie who was totally out of coat was awarded Very good and was number two in working class.

Gustaf and Madde with Igor and Frej. I was really happy that  Bielkersmils Fantastic Frej of Nallo was Best of Breed with  CACIB. Bielkersmils Igor of Zouroffwas awarded his first Excellent!

Judge was Ewa Nielsen.

Big Congrats to Gustaf and Madde!

Madde and Frej

Madde and Frej in the group final