fredag 30 maj 2014

Show in Ånnaboda 140529

Show in Ånnaboda yesterday. I brought Geist and Etna and Lars and Lotta brought Lexie and Hero. Geist really made me surprised since it was the first time for him at a show and he did not like it at all at first, but after having the opportunity of greeting one of Elga s' females he found out that show could be quite nice. He was best working male and best opposite sex in working class with a certificate  Etna was third best working female, Lexie was second best working female and Hero was second best working male, third best male with R- certificate and all four dogs were awarded Excellent. Last but not least we were in breeders group. Our group was BIS 3.

 I had a very nice day at Ånnaboda, the weather and the company was awarded Excellent 
 A special thanks to Camilla Nyström who was assisting handler and to Lars and Lotta who stayed for the finals and was very nice company!

The judge was Arvid Göransson

The critics of Etna:
Head with nice sexual characteristics, beautiful eyes, a bit big ears, Good neck. Strong and good back, good cross and tail. Correct breast. Excellent strid, a bit open angle at tarsus, otherwise good legs and paws, correctly set and good.

The critics of Geist: Good head and expression, nice pigmentation, suitable ears, good neck, topline and cross. Well developed breast, well angulated at front and rear. Moves in an excellent way on good legs and paws.

The critics of the group (Etna, Lexie, Hero and Geist):
Breeders group of excellent quality and evenness according to the standard of the race in mentality, function, size and color. Coats in variation of season. The group is an excellent breeding result. The breder is congratulated for sucess and desired sucess!

Etna after the show

Etna after the show

Geist is greeting Elgas' female which makes him feel good

Me and Geist

Lars and Hero

Lars and Lexie

Lars and Lexie

tisdag 13 maj 2014

Mating between Corall and Nallo

On the 11/5  Nallo and Corall mated and we are hopeing for well built and healthy puppies to be born around the 13:th of July. The puppies will be ready to deliver eight weeks after birth at the earliest. For more information click on puppy info.


söndag 4 maj 2014

Mating between Corona and Deimos

Today, the 4:th of May 2014,  pdp SE(Polar)Ch Bielkersmils Corona of Allsvinn and pdp SE(Polar)Ch Bielkersmils Deimos of Ilya have mated. You can find more information if you click Puppy Info

torsdag 1 maj 2014

E-litter four years old today!

Big Congrats to all dogs from E-litter on their fourth birthday!