onsdag 24 oktober 2012

Male puppy for sale

We have one male puppy for sale.
Hero was born on the 17/8-12. He is an energetic little boy who likes to play and to be cuddled. He moved to Linus and Camilla but they realized that they couldn't give him the home they think he deserves so he moved back to the kennel. If you are interested please give us a call (telephonenumber +46700405267) or send and e-mail to bielkersmils@gmail.com.

On monday the female from H-litter, Flinka,  moved to Beat and RoseMarie in Schweiz and we wish them good luck with their new family member.

torsdag 18 oktober 2012

All the male puppies have moved

On saturday Hoss and Hyss moved to their new families and yesterday Hero also moved.

Mathilda, Loke and Henrik.

Linus, Morris andCamilla

Håkan keeps up the training in spite of the almost constant raining.

söndag 7 oktober 2012

Soon time for the puppies to move

Now the puppies are seven weeks old and it's soon time for them to move to their new families  Here are some photos taken today.

Blue male

Blue male

Blue male

Grey male

Grey male

Grey male

Black male

Black male

Black male


