måndag 2 februari 2015

Polardog championship in Orsa 2015

On Saturday and Sunday, 31 / 1-1 / 2-15 Håkan went to Orsa and competed in Polardog Championships . He went by sledge 2x40km with a six team, Corona, Ergo, Etna, Deimos , Geist and Corall . It was tough conditions very loose track , drifting  and falling snow.

Håkan and his team ended as winner in their class and in spite of the conditions  the race time was good. First Day 03:50:55 and second day 04:12:12, a total of about 3 hours before the second team. 

Well done Håkan and the team!

Deimosis enjoying himself in the box and waits for departure to Orsa

Etna is also enjoying herself

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