lördag 31 mars 2012

Last trainingtour in march

Today we went for a 17km long trainingtour with a fifteen- team. The nothern wind was very cold and the temperature was just around zero. Even though the dogs were hot and we had to stop three times to give them water. As we got home they all seemed very satisfied and as we let them all together loose in the dog yard I took a photo.

Last week we had a letter from the Swedish dog Association confirming that two dogs from our own breeding have achieved there title Swedish Polar Champion, so now almost half of our dogs are Polarchampions.

Sälka enjoyes the privilige of resting in the sofa after work since she is The Grand Old Lady

fredag 9 mars 2012

Meeting for puppy buyers

On the second- fourth of march we arranged a puppy meeting at our kennel. Everyone who has bought a puppy from us was welcome. We had arranged sleeping possibilities nearby our home and the days were filled with activities. During the weekend everyone had the opportunity to mush our twelve team for five kilometers, go with two dogs and a kickbike or with four dogs and a threewheeled bike. One could also go running with a wagon behind the dog just the way the bare ground test is.
We also trained the dogs for show and I was surprised to see how well all the dogs behaved, both standing and running, even the youngsters who are just about six months old. I also demonstrated how to clean the dogs teeth and how to groom the dog before going to a show. On saturday afternoon we went for a walk to the nearby lake and there we made a fire and grilled some sausages. The dogs ran on the ice and seemed to enjoy playing with their samoyed friends. Later on I demonstrated how to spinn yarn out of samoyed wool, and in the evening we had a nice dinner and talked about dogs.
Thanks a lot to Eliza Perkiö and Jo-Anne Norén who lent us their kickbikes.

Håkan and I really enjoyed the nice company and it was so nice to see the offsprings. We are planning to have another meeting sometime, hopefully there will be snow next time so that we can go sledging.
Jim and Corint tested the wagon
Lotta on kickbike with Lexi and Corona
Lars on kickbike with Lexi and Corona
Johan and Arija ahead of the twelve team mushe by Jim and Lars
Spira and Frej with Madde on kickbike
Lars and twelve team
By the lake
Training for show
Tilda by the spinning wheel
Madde also tested spinning
and Johan as well

torsdag 1 mars 2012

Arija mated and dream target achieved

Yesterday Arija and I were at Polarullen and Arija and Barusi mated so now we are hoping Arija will give birth to many healthy puppies who will be born about the first of May.The puppies will be ready to deliver eight weeks after they are born. We are hopeing these puppies will become really good working dogs/sledgedogs with a lot of energy. You are welcome to contact us if you are interested in a puppy.

Team Bielkersmils have been to two more competitions after the Nordic championships in Furudal. On the 18-19 february Håkan went to Nornäs with Arija, Delta, Deimos and Corona. They finished as number two in their class, 2x30km nordic style. The dogs own sites are updated with the results. One week later they went to Ryssjön for a new race. This time Håkan went by sledge, 2 x 32,9km (according to the track maker) with Arija, Aijas, Spira, Corona, Corall, Ergo, Delta and Deimos (Aijas was taken out of the team day two since he was showing symptoms of a cold). The team finished as number one and achieved the dream target, going 30km in less than 2 hours, and in a good margin since the track was well over 30km.
The total time of the race was 4hours and 17 seconds.